Monday, October 02, 2006

flash floods

Wheaton received unbelievable amounts of rain tonight, making many roads untravelable and flooding countless homes. as i was about to leave work tonight, Ben Rey (former roommate) called me in a panic as their basement, where he lives, started flooding. by the time the water stopped, it was about a foot below the basement ceiling. he lost most of his personal possessions.

there you can see the top of the water in the basement. the washer and drier are floating. this photo was taken from the top of the stairs that connect the basement and rest of the house.

another view.

this is a view of the basement stairs from the outside. the backyard flooded, filled the stairwell, and then drained into the basement through the stairwell.

there ben is with johnny, ben's roommate who waded through the water with him to salvage as much as possible before the water got too high.

if you know ben, i'm sure he would appreciate some help, or know that you're thinking about him. if you're the praying type, i'm sure he would appreciate your prayers.



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