Monday, August 21, 2006


typically, we're going to try and keep you well updated on what's going on in the hawthorne house. however, we're a bit behind in starting, so this is going to be a whirlwind photo update.

we had some chairs that were in need of destroying.

then there was the magical fairy wand.

hmm... this red curry red bean and rice concoction is a little thin.

crackers to thicken. we should be published chefs.

(the chefs)

some homeless street performer we invited over for tea.

you may not be able to read that, but it's a rectal suppository. how this empty wrapper found its way to our kitchen floor is a mystery to us all. we'd appreciate an explanation.

i dont think anyone reads this yet. if they did, id apologize for a terrible blog. we'll try to do better.


At 12:54 AM, Blogger josh said...

I read this yet, but no apology necessary.


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